Friday, March 26, 2010

Work Diaries of This Week




Many schools started their Pesach vacation this week, and as a result, many of us didn't have our normal jobs this week.  Each day they gave us something to do, so I'll go day by day on what I did this week:


*Sunday – we were given the task of cleaning Yeruham's youth hostel for Pesach.  A student at the hesder yeshiva (his name is also Yehuda) did a half-hour limmud with us on Pesach, and then we started cleaning rooms.  They didn't have enough cleaning supplies for us so it was kinda difficult, but we tried to help out wherever we could.  At one point, our madrichim showed up because we were apparently "refusing to work" but it just came down to us not having supplies.  One girl who was supervising us understood the situation and didn't even think the job was appropriate for us, especially for the girls who were told to show up in skirts.  Razie, Ilana, Rebecca K, and I ended up just cleaning up the cafeteria.


*Monday – We cleaned the sanctuary of the Afikim synagogue and did it in just over an hour.


*Tuesday – Yom Nativ, as usual.  It was my va'ad's day; we were the Pesach Va'ad.  Everything went well – people learned and had fun.  The limmudim that I planned went smoothly and people got a lot from them, so I was happy.  In the afternoon, I stood outside of SuperSol with LeeAnn and Rachel handing out flyers for an organization called "Latet," asking shoppers to buy one extra item that can be donated to the poor.  For more than half of my shift, there was an Indian man standing outside of SuperSol, not really sure why, who was preaching to us about how bad English is and we should all be speaking Hebrew all the time.  And then he tried to convince me that there are no more good American basketball players, which I disagree with.  I went in after my shift to buy myself some dinner and spent a good 20-25 minutes on line; it was crazy!  They need an express line for sure.


*Wednesday and Thursday – we were cleaning up the park at the lake because there's a big festival there towards the end of Pesach and want a clean area.  Wednesday we were shuttled there, but that took forever, so we walked on Thursday.  All in all, we spent some time cleaning and also some time hanging out since it was nice and there's only so much time you can clean up.  It's sad how much trash is there, though!


Shabbat in Yeruham coming up soon!


Kol Tuv,


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